We’re conditioned to believe that freedom is a privilege bestowed upon us through the generosity of government and all its politicians and bureaucrats. That’s a lie. Freedom is an inherent manifest destiny born within each of us. No one else can give you freedom. They can only attempt to take yours away. As they often do. America’s Founding Fathers – most of whom were under forty when they signed the Declaration of Independence – understood this and put everything they had on the line to make that point to the world’s leading empire at the time.

I decided to exercise my individual liberties today by flaunting my hot naked body outside. Exploring my personal manifest destiny as a fearless and provocative bad boy. Playing the hand I’ve been dealt in life. Fighting through the intense heat and humidity that had already set in for the day at 9:00am. The baby oil coating my skin deterred mosquitoes from feasting on me yet did nothing to minimize sweating. But the excitement of both the experience and the thought of having proof of it to flaunt drove me to accomplish this objective. Freedom isn’t easy but nevertheless a bargain at any price.

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