Or call me King Magnum if you desire. I am a rock star artist and entertainer practicing in the mediums of music, film, photography, writing, and more. My provocative works encompass themes of horror, erotica, and glamour to produce dangerous, exciting, and liberating artistic experiences like no one else. I...


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Sex + Violence

“Pumping her sugar walls mercilessly. Juices now mingling like our spit. Our blood-spattered bodies pressed together.” My wild and explicit short story collection is available from Amazon for purchase and on Kindle Unlimited. Sex + Violence: A Dark Fiction Anthology...

Wild Nights of Arkansas Strippers

“‘Then what are we waiting for?’ she sets her beer on the nightstand and lies on her stomach, ‘Do what you want to me.'” My ultra-naughty debut novel is available from Amazon for purchase and on Kindle Unlimited. Get it...

Naked Ambition

"I didn’t pretend to lick a girl’s butthole at a bachelorette party once. I fucking did it." My 2019 bare-all memoir is available from Amazon for purchase and on Kindle Unlimited. This is the 2021 Last Temptation Edition featuring a...

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